Revised policy Adopted 20.05.2024

The revised Grant Policy will come into effect from April 2025 to allow a period of transition during the 2024/25 financial year. During the period of transition there will be some flexibility concerning the additional conditions, to allow groups to prepare for any adjustments to their financial arrangements for the following financial year.  Applicants will be notified of the revisions, specifically the addendum to condition 7. regarding frequency of applications.

Please be aware that the 2024/25 Town Council budget for grant allocation is £8,000 to be shared amongst the Kirkbymoorside Community.

The Town Council encourages applications not exceeding 10% of the grant budget, or £800, in order that it can support more local initiatives and wider community benefit. The Town Council has discretion to consider applications in excess of 10% of the grant budget in exceptional circumstances, subject to agreement.

1.       The Grant Budget will be divided across two awarding periods with £4000 available for allocation between April and September and the remaining £4000 available for allocation from October to March.  The Town Council may award funding outside of these timeframes, under extenuating circumstances.

2.       Groups within the town and parish can apply to the fund. Those outside the parish who can demonstrate direct benefit to the inhabitants will also be eligible to apply.

3.       The Council will consider supporting both capital and revenue projects.

4.       Groups will apply to the fund using the agreed application form.

5.       To qualify all applicants must provide a FULL financial disclosure which are as follows:

                         i.          3 months copies of statements from ALL Bank accounts and statements of monies held in funds ETC

                        ii.          Must include a statement from the applicant of what applications to other bodies have or had been applied for and awarded to fund this project.

All notices of an application for a grant are published on the notice board and the website and notification of a successful award to an applicant is published also. 

ALL Organisations that fail to comply, are liable to be disqualified.

6.       Groups will be expected to supply accompanying documentation as detailed on the application form:

i.         A copy of the constitution or rules of the group

ii.       A 12 month forward plan (activities and finance) and where larger grants are requested a business plan will be required.

7.       Grants may only be awarded to a group once per year. Unsuccessful applicants are encouraged to review their proposals and submit revised applications to the council.

Successful applicants will not be eligible to submit applications in the next successive financial year. Applications will be accepted again in the next but one financial year.

8.       All applications will be considered with regard to the financial stability of the groups and be judged on their own merits; particular attention will be given to the group clearly demonstrating the need for the project.

9.       Where possible groups will be expected to contribute some of their own funds to the project although a set percentage has not been agreed.

10.    Retrospective applications (i.e. for projects already completed) will be allowed. Council will adjudge at the time of application whether the project was urgent and also consider the financial situation of the group at the time.

11.    Where partnership funding is being sourced, the council may consider awarding a grant but may choose not to release it until the partnership funding has been secured.

12.    Should the entire grant not be used for the purpose specified then the balance should be returned to the Council.

13.    By signing and returning the Application Form the signatory is agreeing to the above policy.

Click here for an application form