1.   The top priorities for Kirkbymoorside Town Council are:

a) To represent and support citizens in their dealings with larger public authorities, and to press such authorities to meet their obligations to the town and people of Kirkbymoorside. Prime examples of this at present are discussions over plans for new housing development, and the need to campaign for a continuation of library services.

b) To seek and promote schemes that will give benefits to the town and people of Kirkbymoorside. This may involve (usually modest) financial grants, or it may involve using council resources to coordinate activity. An example would be the council taking overall responsibility for the Sports Field, in support of the individual sports clubs. There are many other possibilities. The Town Council also acts as an official consultee on many matters.

c)   To efficiently and economically provide a range of services. Examples include provision of play areas, street lighting, the new Moorside Room and the management of Manor Vale.

2.   In pursuit of these priorities, the council seeks to act so as to promote:

a)  Democratic accountability, so that expenditure of money and effort are directed according to local opinion.

b)  Openness, so that wherever possible the people of the town are fully informed about the council's activities and nothing is kept secret unless absolutely necessary.

c)   Clarity, so that the people of the town can understand what the council is doing and are not swamped with bureaucratic nit picking.

 3.   Subsidiary considerations are:

a) The council must act lawfully taking reasonable and proportionate measures to follow the spirit of legislation.

b) The council must use appropriate financial procedures whilst maintaining easily understood records appropriate to the scale of its activities.

c)   The council must not allow its internal procedures to overwhelm its core purposes, outlined above.


Implications of acting efficiently and economically

Kirkbymoorside is a small town with an active council. All such councils face a problem, which stems from the employment of a clerk. Having a clerk is a tremendous advantage, because a good clerk will ensure that the council's policies are put into practical effect and will exercise firm control over costs. There is, though, an employment cost and this can be a sizeable proportion of the total expenditure for a small council.

The current situation is that the larger towns in Ryedale (Pickering, Malton, Norton) have lower Band D equivalent tax charges than Kirkbymoorside, while Helmsley's is significantly higher (based on 2014-15 figures, the latest available). This is to be expected, but the council is mindful of the need to maintain strict control on costs.

Taking this consideration into account and bearing in mind the council's priorities, there is an impact on council members. It is the council's policy that the purely administrative costs of running the council (support for meetings and such like) should be kept under control, and reduced whenever possible. This is a councillor responsibility just as much as it is the clerk's responsibility. The council will consider alternative ways of working if they will reduce administrative costs.

Given these factors, the clerk is authorised to refer requests from individual council members in cases where they would involve significant additional work over and above that necessitated by the council's agreed policies. Reference will be made to the staffing committee for workload aspects or to the whole council for policy aspects of requests.

Councillors should be aware that their requests may be deferred in this way, although this does not in any way affect the right to request an agenda item for a council meeting, or the legal right councillors have to access council documents needed for the pursuit of their duties.


Town Clerk Job Description

Job Purpose To manage and administer the decisions and activities of Kirkbymoorside Town Council working with Councillors, members of the public, external bodies and suppliers, acting as designated Proper Officer and Responsible Financial Officer.

Duties & Responsibilities

  1. To service meetings of the Town Council and its committees, preparing all agendas, briefing and policy papers, minutes and reports. Timescales are determined by Council policy and legislation.
  2. To implement all decisions made by the Council and its committees in accordance with legal requirements and best practice.
  3. To carry out research and produce information to assist the Council in the formulation of its policies.
  4. To be responsible for overseeing the day-today financial matters of the Council in accordance with established procedures, ensuring all payments and receipts are made and documented fully and correctly, liaising with the Council’s accountants to ensure all financial records are updated and reports produced as necessary.
  5. To ensure Councillors and committee members are appraised of information and new developments connected with the work of the Council and its committees.
  6. To be responsible for updating the Annual Plan with dates and details of all activities working with Councillors to ensure that all key dates and requirements are met.
  7. To maintain an awareness of local and national government policies and developments advising the Council as necessary to ensure it remains abreast of key changes.
  8. To advise the Council on applicable local government legislation to the best of their ability.
  9. To deal with all correspondence with the Council bringing such matters to the attention of the Chair, Chair of Committees, Council and Committee Members as required.
  10. To ensure that at all times a high level of service is delivered to members of the public and Councillors in the exercise of their duties.
  11. To administer the town cemetery allocating plots in accordance with legal requirements and issuing certificates, correspondence and invoices ensuring that the bereaved are at all times dealt with in a sensitive and supportive manner.
  12. To receive all planning applications and ensure effective discharge of the Council’s planning function in accordance with policy.
  13. To develop and maintain effective press and public relations on behalf of the Council.
  14. To ensure a safe working environment for any staff, Councillors, members of the public and others affected by the work of the Council. Periodically review Health & Safety Policy in line with legislative and local requirements.
  15. To produce or update Risk Assessments on occasions as necessary covering any activities delivered by the Council.
  16. To draft documents tendering for Council services as necessary, placing them before Council for approval and managing tender processes in a timely, fair and effective manner. To verify that work carried out under tender arrangements is being delivered in accordance with agreed specifications.
  17. To deal with routine maintenance requirements in respect of property within the Council’s area of responsibility, producing specifications for work, placing orders, monitoring and checking the quality of work and administering payments.
  18. Kirkbymoorside Sportsfiel, New Road, Kirkbymoorside YO62 6AT
    1. management of the accounts and licences associated with the sportsfield
    2. apportionment of utility bills to each sports club in accordance with usage
  19. The Moorside Room, 9 Church Street, Kirkbymoorside YO62 6AZ
    1. responsible for the management of the Moorside Room
    2. management of utilities
    3. manage key holders
    4. room bookings and accounts
  20. Any other appropriate tasks relating to Town Council responsibilities, which from time to time may be required.