We have been asked to circulate this information to our North Yorkshire members. 


North Yorkshire Health and Wellbeing Board has written a new joint local health and wellbeing strategy for the county, which sets out the proposed priorities for action, and ideas for working together to achieve them.  The aim of the joint local health and wellbeing strategy is to improve people’s health and reduce health inequalities.


The Board is taking the draft strategy out for public consultation until 31st March 2024.  There are several ways to take part, including a survey (with easy read version), on-line events and informal drop-in events at local libraries. The strategy documents, the survey and event details are available on the council’s consultation web page, and paper copies will be available from libraries: www.northyorks.gov.uk/WellbeingStrategyConsultation


The One Thing community conversations

North Yorkshire Health and Wellbeing Board is very interested in hearing from a wide range of communities in North Yorkshire, including those who are sometimes called ‘seldom-heard’ or ‘marginalised’, to find out what matters most to them.  However, the Board knows that reading a strategy document and filling in a survey isn’t for everyone, and they are therefore hoping that local community-based organisations such as local councils could assist them with a more informal approach.  


If you have events, community groups, coffee mornings, etc, already planned during the consultation period, would you be able to fit in a short conversation about health and wellbeing, and about  ‘The One Thing’ people would like to see happen to improve health and wellbeing for them, their community and where they live?  To help with the conversations, the North Yorkshire Health and Wellbeing Board has attached a brief facilitator guide and a pro-forma to capture feedback. 


Thank you for your assistance with the consultation and for helping the Board find out what matters about health and wellbeing for our communities.  If you have any questions, please contact North Yorkshire Health and Wellbeing Board at-  HASConsultation@northyorks.gov.uk.

The consultation is open and closes on 31 March 2024.